CUP Application Documents and Exhibits
Click HERE to sign a Letter of Support for Kansas Sky Energy Center
Douglas County Zoning and Land Use Regulations COMMERCIAL/UTILITY SCALE SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION SYSTEMS (CSECS) Section12-306-49 (p.120-142)
Document 3 - Legal Description of Property
Document 7 - Sample Letter
Exhibit A - Public Outreach Information
Exhibit AA - Figure 03-A_Site Area (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-C_ESL_FieldDelineatedWetland (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-G_ESL_MatureTrees (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit BB - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Addendum (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit D - Environmental Sound Study
Exhibit H - Grazing Management Plan
Exhibit L - Updated Vegetation Management and Agrivoltaics Plan
Exhibit P - Solar Glare Hazard Analysis
Exhibit T - Habitat Assessment (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit X - SHPO Response Letter
00 - Table of Contents (Updated 11/17/2023)
Document 4 - CUP Application Supplement
Document 8 - Existing Conditions Site Plan (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 01-A_SoilMap_ClassSoils (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 04-A_Planned Wildlife Corridors (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-D_ESL_StreamCorridor (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-H_ESL_HistoricPlaces (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit BB - Phase I Environmental Site Assessment_reduced (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit E - Preliminary Equipment Specification Sheet
Exhibit I - KDHE Approved Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
Exhibit M - Emergency Services Plan (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit Q - Soil Sampling Plan
Exhibit U - Habitat Assessment Response Letters
Exhibit Y - Obstruction EvaluationAirport Airspace Analysis Memorandum
Document 1 - CUP Application
Document 5 - Property Ownership List - Half Mile
Document 9 - Proposed Conditions Site Plan - Part 1 of 2 (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 01-B_SoilMap_PrimeFarmland (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-A_ESL_RegulatoryFloodway (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-E_ESL_NativePrairie (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 06-A_Existing Residences Setback (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit B - Manufacturer's Specification
Exhibit F - Grading & Vegetation Removal Plan (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit J - Traffic Study
Exhibit N - Operation and Maintenance Plan
Exhibit R - Abandonment Decommissioning and Reclamation Plan (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit V - USFWS IPaC Response Letter
Exhibit Z - FAA Determination of No Hazard
Document 2 - Owner Authorization Forms and Setback
Document 6 - Certificate of Mailing and Mailing List - 1 Mile Notice
Document 9 - Proposed Conditions Site Plan - Part 2 of 2 (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 02-A_Plan 2040 Growth Tiers (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-B_ESL_RegulatoryFloodwayFringe (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 05-F_ESL_PrimeFarmland (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit AA - Figure 07-A_Construction Routes (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit C - Installation Methods for Poles Racks Foundations
Exhibit G - Stormwater Management Plan
Exhibit K - Landscaping Plan
Exhibit O - Preliminary Construction Schedule
Exhibit S - Visual Simulations (Updated 11/17/2023)
Exhibit W - Archeological Survey Report (Updated 11/17/2023)
CUP-23-00312-Supplemental Materials - 03212024